10 Easy Ways To Detox Your Body

detox eat health self care Jul 23, 2020

Detox! Oh it's such a hot term right now. 

But doesn't it mean drinking nothing but celery juice (with the mud still on obviouslah) for 18 months? Or rubbing crystals of epsom salt directly into you cellulite 7 times a day?

Well - no. And certainly not if you're a mum because...who on earth has the time or energy for any of that kind of cr*p??

However - a detox actually is rather a good thing to do. For both our bodies and our minds.

Because, we often become ‘toxic’ after periods of overindulging with fatty foods and alcohol, as well as other toxins.

And when our body is toxic, our natural detoxification system can no longer cope, it becomes overwhelmed causing every other system in our body to become negatively affected.

If you’re suffering from constipation, food allergies, an inability to lose weight, acne, rosacea, eczema, persistent headaches, muscle pain or muscle fatigue – you need to detox.

And, even if you’re not suffering from any of the above, putting your body through a simple detox is good for you for a number of reasons including:

1. It'll remove toxins from your body

Being exposed to toxins like preservatives, pesticides and environmental pollutants affects your metabolism and immune system leading to illness.

2. It'll enhance your immune system

Boosting your immune system will help you to fight off infections like colds and flus and keep you in the best possible health all year round.

3. It'll help you shift any unwanted pounds

Toxins are held in fat cells, slowing the metabolism and affecting the body’s natural ability to burn fat – leading to the inevitable weight gain (groan).

5. It'll slow aging

By detoxing your body you are helping to rid it of the free radicals that lead to premature aging. A detoxed system is able to absorb antioxidants and vitamins more easily helping to reduce damaging oxidative stress (hallelujah).

So now we know why it's so important to detox, let's look at 10 easy (non celery juice / epsom salt palaver methods).

Click here to read the rest of the article I wrote for The Huffington Post.

I hope you enjoy and do give a few of these a try, then see how to feel. If you feel better work them in to your daily routine. If you feel no difference after a week or so - dump them in the bin of 'that so did not work for me'.

If you're ready to start transform your health and happiness, lose those unwanted pounds, fix your pelvic floor, firm up your body and learn how to take care of yourself again  then please do consider joining my life-changing  6 week online program. Click here for more dets.

With love

Bex xx


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