Do you find yourself relying on will-power to reach your goals? And, do you find that, more often than not - your will power fails and you spiral down with thoughts of how you always fail and how you’ll never manage to XYZ?
Have you ever thought that maybe it’s not actually your fault? Many of us think that mastering our desires is simply a matter of practice makes perfect.
But in reality studies have shown that those who were able to exert more self control were not more successful in reaching their goals. It was found that the more effort they put in, the more exhausted and depleted they felt. These studies concluded that forcing yourself to ‘just do it’ is often counterproductive, at best helping in the short term, but setting you up for failure in the long term, when it really counts!
So, if you’ve got a goal in mind, don’t just rely on your will power to achieve it. Try these 3 helpful techniques to support you and your goals going forwards.
Good luck, and, as always, if you need more support, do reach out for help! My Food psychology coaching empowers you will all the tools you need so you never need to rely on willpower to help you achieve your goals again!