Around 40% of women transitioning through perimenopause experience hot flushes and they're seen as one of the worse of the 60 or so symptoms you may experience.
In today's video I share a really quick and simple technique that you have have in your toolkit to help you whenever a flush starts to take over.
Breathwork is such a great tool because:
- it's free
- it's quick
- it's easy
- the effects are IMMEDIATE
but you don't need to take my word for it - check out some of the research.
A meta-analysis of 15 studies found that breath-work:
Click the link in the video to see a really quick and effective breath-work technique that has the added benefit of effectively and immediately cooling you down, whether the heat comes from an internal hot flush, a fit of rage or being in a desert!
Let me know if it works for you
With love
Bex xx