Today I've been thinking about the role of a 'life coach' and how resistant we are to paying another person to, essentially, help us live our lives better.
However, we could all benefit from having someone there for us who always supports us, guides us and cheers us on, encouraging us with all our personal and professional goals.
But how many of us really do have this person in our lives?
In fact, do you have anyone in your life to talk to about your goals and hopes for the future? And if you do, do you actually talk to them about these, life affirming, things?
Do you feel guilty burdening your friends or family by talking 'too much' about yourself, what you're doing and any problems that you're facing?
And when talking to them, do you hold back information because you're embarrassed to, or don't want to share big goals in case they laugh, or don't believe in you?
This is where a Life Coach comes in, and where they can make the difference between making your goals happen or not.
A life coach is someone who will work to help you achieve your life goals.
They do this, in part, by getting you to focus on what it is that you really want, setting realistic yet inspiring goals and by helping you to create the right mindset to go out there and make it happen.
A mindset is an attitude or set of beliefs that has the power to completely change your life.
The right mindset can be the difference between success and failure, and that’s because it’s only with a positive and open mindset that we will actually think the thoughts we need to think, and take the actions that we need to take.
Things will go wrong with any plan, however good, clear and well researched it is, obstacles will come up and it’s only with the right mindset that you’ll be able to learn from the experience, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep moving forwards.
So, in today’s blog, I want to share with you my 3 top tips for a positive mindset:
1) Use Positive Language
The words you use affect your attitude, beliefs and actions, so consciously decide to use positive words in your daily conversations. Think like a ‘can do’ person and you will become one.
2) Be Grateful
Gratitude is a hugely important skill to learn for our contentment and happiness. By looking around you and really seeing everything in your life, and how lucky you are for living in a free country, a safe country, being loved and having people to love, whatever goes wrong you will always be thankful and positive about life. Being grateful puts life’s hiccups into perspective and keeps you feeling positive.
3) Surround Yourself with Positive People
Not everyone lives with a positive mindset. In fact, many people are highly negative and critical of themselves and others. These people can really drag us down and leave us feeling depressed and unhappy. So surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and champion who you are and what you’re doing.
So give it a try. When the kids won't stop screaming and you've barely had time to brush your teeth and get out of your PJs these tips will help turn the day around, I promise!
Good luck!
And if you want to work with me in more depth to help make your health, fitness and life goals your reality then please consider joining my 6 week online program. Click here for more details.
With love
Bex xx