Following on from lesson 1, I wanted to show you some exercises that you can use to progress your diastasis healing.
These exercises are designed to be a stage 2, for after you are practised at the breathing technique and are able to engage the core from the pelvic floor all the way up to the diaphragm with your breath.
Today we’re performing each exercise for 1 minute - again focusing on nice long exhales with the S breath. Again we’ve got 5 new exercises to do and we’re doing 2 circuits - so the workout only last 10 minutes.
However please feel free to continue going after the video stops! I’ve only done them so quickly because it’s a video - in my programs and with my PT clients we spend a long time really working through these exercises.
Exercise 1: Superman Extension
Exercise 2: Back Lying Knee Push - Right. Lying on your back, bring the right knee up and position on the inside of your left knee, with your left hand push into your right knee but resist moving the knee as you exhale, link and lift the muscles and elongate through the spine
Exercise 3: Back Lying Knee Push - Left. Lying on your back, bring the left knee up and position on the inside of your right knee, with your right hand push into your left knee but resist moving the knee as you exhale, link and lift the muscles and elongate through the spine
Exercise 4: Spine Curl
Exercise 5: Seated Resistance Band Extension. Co-ordinate the breath and engagement with the extension of the band
For an indepth tutorial on the breathing technique and some more basic beginner exercises click here.